Monday, November 16, 2009

Should I go with Invisalign or normal braces??

im 16. the Dentist said normal ones will cost 3,600, and Invisalign 4, mom said its not a big difference

My Teeth arent that bad, just crowding up the bottom teeth, and some crowding with upper. Plus I need my lower Jaw widened to fit the teeth.

Would Invisalign be as good in my case?

Does it do good on lower jaw widening?

Is there more hastle with Invisalign?

Which would be faster/ more affective?

tnx alot

Should I go with Invisalign or normal braces??
I have had Invisalign for about 2 years and would not suggest getting them. I was also told that my teeth are "too" bad and Invisalign would work well with my type of crowding. I am really frustrated with Invisalign and thinking about switching to normal braces. I am 20 years old and can't stand going in every 2 weeks to get a new pair. After going through it about 3 times, they have had to make mid cource adjustments 3 times and i doubt it is going to work. Think about it and talk to a few ortho's/dentists. Cost is not an issue for me but just the fact that they misleading and patients should be advised that they are not for crowding, overbites etc. Unless you have a reallyyyy good ortho/dentist who is willing to take extra time and put little attachments aka buttons which help rotate, etc. Save yourself the time and energy and go with regular braces. Although they will be embarrassing they will save you lots of time and frustration!
Reply:I would say go for normal ones. Invisalign is too much of a hasle cause every other week you have to get new ones. Sure it is faster but it doesn't help with lower jaw widening.

Just go with normal ones.
Reply:Take what you can get if its offered, many cannot afford that stuff so they do without, thank whoever gave you the resources to get teeth fixed and be happy.

Ask youyr Dentist or whatever wehat is best. Orthodonist might be good for a second opinion, but they know more than anybody else.
Reply:I would go for the braces, even though invisalign looks better. You will find yourself not wearing your invisalign because they will get on your nerves. Also, braces are more effective and the orthodontist can easily make changes rather than making all these molds. Braces are much faster, because as I said you never take them out--not to eat, or to brush your teeth or anything. Invisalign are nasty, they smell bad, and they are just plain annoying. Definitley go with regular braces. You can have them on and off in a year rather than going through all these weird steps with molds and stuff which could take much longer.
Reply:Invisalign is not "nasty", not if you keep them clean and follow instructions.

Only your dentist can tell you if your case would be better off with traditional braces or clear aligners. Usually, adults do better than teens with Invisalign simply because most teens are not responsible enough to keep them in and not lose them. (Some of the answers above sound like teens who are not responsible enough to care for the appliances.)

Have a long talk with your dentist and ask about both forms of treatment. Not all cases work with Invisalign, but when it is recommended by an experienced doctor they work just as well as metal braces.

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