Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can invisalign braces fix crooked teeth, I haven't seen my dentist yet, but I am scheduled to see if I'm

eligble for invisalign braces. The invisalign website before and after photos all look pretty minor ( gaps, crowding,) . I have bit of a crossbite (its the only photo that looks similar to my situation only mine is a little more severe) at the bottom in which a tooth is somewhat behind the others. Also the website lists invisalign can be part of my tooth straigtening, so does that mean i can wear metal then switch to invisalign when possible. Any help is greatly appreciated

Can invisalign braces fix crooked teeth, I haven't seen my dentist yet, but I am scheduled to see if I'm
If your case is SUITABLE for Invisalign, it works wonderfully well - as long as you do your part and wear them (almost) 24/7. Any dentist doing Invisalign has to be certified to use them and should be capable of making the diagnosis of whether or not to use them. If Invisalign was suggested to you, then it should work for your case.

I would not say that Invisalign is better or worse than braces, because it depends on the case. There is no set answer. After a few minutes of wearing them, your speech will sound just fine. They are very thin and pretty much exactly the same shape as your teeth. They do tend to increase the amount of saliva in your mouth at first, but you soon get used to that and the salivary flow seems to slow back to normal after a while, also.

My personal limit is no more than 2 mm of movement per tooth with Invisalign. (I am not sure if Invisalign corporation supports more than this amount anyhow.) This is sufficient to correct SOME crossbites, but not most. You can combine treatment with traditional braces. For example, you can start with "metal" braces and get things (let's say) half-way there, including fixing the crossbite, and then get rid of the braces and finish with Invisalign.
Reply:I had a friend that used invisalign, it was somewhat effective. However, as soon as she quit using them they immediately moved back.
Reply:If you have a crossbite it could not be fixed with invisalign, you will need the metal with rubberbands from top to bottom to shift jaw. Metal braces take longer but work better in my opinion.
Reply:can do switch between metal and invisalign when possible like on a date go invisilign then back to metal when you get home? .No

Can invisilign be use alone to correct you teeth? I like to tell you yes, but not really. with metel baces the dentist cement brackets to each of your teeth that have to move or straigten and that is one day

the next day is the wire that connects the brackets all together which is ok till he put the tension of the wire then you will know tingling pain for a bit after that till you learn to deal with that. but this is the fastest way.
Reply:Invisalign braces work best on very minor rotations, if you have need to have your bite corrected it would go faster and be less expensive to go with conventional braces.
Reply:Only your dentist can tell you if Invisalign is right for you. Usually, it will cost you little or nothing to find out. Impressions and photos are sent to the Invisalign labs and you can view an online simulation of the corrections possible with treatment.

Dentists are not interested in promoting a product if it doesn't give good results. Your satisfaction means referrals and so they are motivated to choose the method that will achieve your goals. A qualified dentist will look at Invisalign, traditional braces, and even cosmetic veneers to come up with a strategy for you. Perhaps no treatment at all is the best.

Invisalign can cost way less than metal braces. Ask around about fees.

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