Monday, April 27, 2009


im 14 and I went to the dentsist a couple days ago and i was so worried that i was gonna need jaw surgery or braces for my overbite cause i thought i had a big one. So that dentist looked in my mouth and said i didnt need jaw surgery for 2 reasons

1. Im way to young

2.I have a class 1 overbite which is an "Ideal" bit

therfore i dont need anybraces or jaw surgery for that .. yay!

But he noticed something that non of my other dentists have every comented on and i've had since i was like 6. One of my front bottom teeth has a crossbite and the 3 teeth are a little crowded. My dentist said i would be a good candidate for invisalign. This is so good news cause i can get a hollywodd smile with out medal on my teeth. But i have a couple questions about invisalign. Does it hurt when u put it in and take it out? is it comfortable? does it cost similar to normal braces? to u have to wear a retainer after the treatment? are then better then normal braces? please answer my queestions. :) :) :)


I had Invisalign 3 years ago and my teeth look great. To answer your questions.

1. It doesn't hurt but I did experience discomfort (but not pain) when I put in each new aligner. I had 20 aligners which I changed every 2 weeks. The feeling is very tight for the first 6 hours for each new aligner so put them in just before going to bed. By morning your teeth have moved slightly to ease the discomfort.

2. Once your teeth are moving they become mobile so I felt more comfortable with the aligners in.

3. Cost tends to be slightly more than braces but depends on what your doctor charges.

4. You need to wear a retainer after treatment - irrespective of how your teeth are moved. You need to wear this according to what your doctor says until your teeth become stable. I wear my retainer every 2nd or 3rd night now (3 years after treatment) but used to wear them every night.

5. Invisalign has certain advantages and disadvantages compared to braces. If your treatment is complex then you may not be able to be treated only with Invisalign but need a shortened time in braces to deal with some issues.

Hope this helps.
Reply:hey im 15! and im kind of in a similar situation as you. i wanted to get invisalign so i did a little research. invisalign is really comfortable, you'll forget its even there. you also get to take them off to eat, brush, and floss. the cost should be anywhere from $3000 to $5000 depending on how severe your teeth are. i dont think a retainer is required but you go to the dentist once every 6 weeks for them to check up on the process and to give you the new aligners. you replace them every 2 weeks. i think they are better than braces. you get the benefits of straighting your teeth without uncomfortable metal stuff in your mouth. they're also great sports, since im a cheerleader, traditional braces is just asking for trouble. so invisalign is perfect for me. AND YOU. good luck!

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