Monday, April 27, 2009


Has anyone had invisalign or still have? I'm interested in braces for a minor job and not sure if I should go with the traditional braces or invisalign. Obviously as an adult you don't see to many people walking around with "metal mouths"...BUT does invisalign take alot longer than regular ones? How much longer approx? What about price? About how much more is it to get invisalign?

I have had my Invisalign since May. I have 13 trays for the bottom and 19 trays for the top, and you wear them for 2 weeks each, so I will be completely done in about 9 months. I didn't have any major problems with my teeth though, a few minor things. I am very happy with them, and nearly no one knows I have them. As well, one bonus that I got out of them is losing weight, since you cannot eat with them in, and you must brush after eating and before putting them back in, I no longer snack at all during the day. So, I have lost weight from not snacking. The dentist charges $4000 for the Invisalign, but my insurance lowers it to $3500 and they covered $2000, so my out of pocket is $1500. And I pay a little each month.
Reply:Hi, may i know which clinic you went to and what insurance from which agency did you get it from? i am very interested in it. thanks. hee... Report It

Reply:As an adult, i didn't want a mouth full of metal, so I did the same type of thing with retainers. It uses the same concept as the Invisalign, but costs much less. The retainers are made to fit your teeth the way you want them to be, then it forces your teeth to fit it when you where it. Talk to an ortho about your options.
Reply:Wow, my very first answer. lol Anyway, I am also interested in Invisalign, and i've been doing a lot of research. As for me, I also want a minor job done, as i'm developing a small space in between my two front teeth. From what I read on the Invisalign website, you can also get minor jobs with Invisalign, and it's called Invisalign Express, and lasts for approx. six months. I have considered this, because at 23, I also feel i'm too old to have metal braces. I just wouldn't feel comfortable. If I recall correctly, the costs of Invisalign ranges from 3,000-6,000 dollars.

I called the dentists office, and asked about the process. The receptionist told me that first, you go in for a consultation, and X-rays are done to decide whether or not you are a candidate to receive the Invisalign. The initial consultation is supposedly free...but then again, this might just be at the office I called. Then, if you are a candidate, they make the molds, and she told me that would cost around $250, and then it just goes from there. The downside to that initial free consultation is that, if you are a candidate, they begin doing the molds and additional X-rays immediately afterwards. So if you are seeking a consultation, do be prepared and go with any insurance you plan on using, and your money. I do know that metal braces are cheaper, and I do believe I was told that they do have some metal tooth correcting devices that are removable. I guess it just depends on what you need done. Well hope this helped. Good luck! :)

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